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Building a Home Gym on a Budget

Building a Home Gym on a Budget

If you are anything like me, some days I simply dread going to the gym. Sound familiar? Well, fret no more because we've got the ultimate solution for you, create your personal oasis in your home without blowing your budget. I promise…it’s possible!
Morning Routine

The Power of a Morning Routine

The perfect morning routine will help promote wellness, decrease your stress levels, and make you successful for the rest of the day. From avoiding social media to drinking water and listening to a podcast, there are various steps you can take to create a morning routine that works for you. 
I was 25 when...

I was 25 when...

I was 25 when...


I couldn’t move my legs after laying down for a nap. I couldn’t understand why. Why someone my age, weighing 120lbs, with a fast metabolism and somewhat healthy eating habits, would have any kind of health issues.

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